Automating Device Categorization in Microsoft Intune: A Comprehensive Guide

Effortlessly manage and group devices within Microsoft Intune using device categories. While device categorization is essential, manually assigning categories for each device can be challenging and impractical. This blog addresses a common query in forums: automating device category assignment based on Autopilot enrollment profiles, catering to both Autopilot and Windows 365 (Cloud PC) devices.

This post showcases a streamlined 1-to-1 matching process between enrollment profiles and device categories. Learn how to scale this approach by creating dynamic groups and leveraging runbooks, as detailed here. Alternatively, discover how if statements within the script can achieve similar scalability, providing flexibility in implementation.

Additionally, explore an alternative method utilizing Win32 app deployment during the ESP (Enrollment Status Page) or optimizing categorization speed through different scheduling techniques not covered in this post. Uncover the vast automation potential awaiting within Intune.

Optimize device management and streamline workflows by automating device categorization in Microsoft Intune with these versatile methods and strategies.

Bear with me here, this is a quite lengthy post. I kept some of the steps at a high level in attempt to keep more as brief as possible. 

  1. Permissions to create an Azure App Registration.
  2. Permissions to create an Azure Key Vault
  3. Permissions to create an Azure Automation Account.
This script will get the member of a specified Azure AD group, check those devices in Intune to ensure that they have a device category assigned, and assign the category if it is missing or incorrect.
All actions are logged in the runbook output.
Authentication is done using an Azure App registration.
Required cmdlets and modules:
    Get-MgBetaDevice - Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Identity.DirectoryManagement
    Get-MgBetaGroup - Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Groups
    Get-MgBetaDeviceManagementManagedDevice - Microsoft.Graph.Beta.DeviceManagement
    Get-MgBetaDeviceManagementDeviceCategory - Microsoft.Graph.Beta.DeviceManagement
    Invoke-MgGraphRequest - Microsoft.Graph.Authentication
Required Azure AD App permissions:
    Microsoft Graph Group.Read.All
    Microsoft Graph GroupMember.Read.All
    Microsoft Graph Device.ReadWrite.All
    Microsoft Graph DeviceManagementManagedDevices.ReadWrite.All
    Authentication module cmdlets in Microsoft Graph PowerShell: 
PJM - 10/31/2025
######## Begin Setting Required Variables ########
$Timestamp = get-date -f yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss
Write-Output "Script began at $Timestamp"
# Connecto Managed Identity
Connect-AzAccount -Identity
# Credentials from Key Vault
$TenantId = Get-AzKeyVaultSecret -VaultName '<YOUR VAULT NAME HERE>' -Name 'tenantid' -AsPlainText
$ClientId = Get-AzKeyVaultSecret -VaultName '<YOUR VAULT NAME HERE>' -Name 'clientid' -AsPlainText
$ClientSecretCredential = Get-AzKeyVaultSecret -VaultName '<YOUR VAULT NAME HERE>' -Name 'clientsecret' -AsPlainText
$Creds = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::new($ClientId, (ConvertTo-SecureString $ClientSecretCredential -AsPlainText -Force))

# Device Catergory and Group Names
# Get the current UTC time as a [datetime] instance and subtract 1 hour.
$CurrentTime = [DateTime]::UtcNow
$M1Time = $CurrentTime.AddHours(-1)
$D7Time = $CurrentTime.AddDays(-7)
# Base URL for the beta endpoint
[string]$baseUrl = ""
# Added to work around an error
$MaximumFunctionCount = 8192
$MaximumVariableCount = 8192
######## End Setting Required Variables ########
######## Begin Functions ########
# Get device info from Intune
function Get-DeviceInfo {
    Get-MgBetaDeviceManagementManagedDevice -Filter "AzureAdDeviceId eq '$ComputerID'" -all `
    | Select-Object DeviceName, DeviceCategoryDisplayName, id
# Set the device category
function Set-DeviceCategory {
    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory)][string] $DeviceID,
        [parameter(Mandatory)][string] $CategoryID
    Write-Output "Updating device category for $Computer"
    $requestBody = @{
        "" = "$baseUrl/deviceManagement/deviceCategories/$CategoryID"
    $uri = "$baseUrl/deviceManagement/managedDevices/$DeviceID/deviceCategory/`$ref"
    Write-Output "request-url: $uri"
    Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Method PUT -Uri $uri -Body $requestBody 
    Write-Output "Device category for $Computer updated"
# Check to see if the group has changed in the last hour - iF no changes in the last hour let's loop for 10 min before continuing!
function Get-GroupChanges {
    $url = "$($objid)?`$select=membershipRuleProcessingStatus"
    $LastChange = (Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Method GET -Uri $url).membershipRuleProcessingStatus
    $Updated = $LastChange.lastMembershipUpdated
    Write-Output "Last update to the group was $Updated"
######## End Functions ########
######## Script entry point  ########
# Connect to MgGraph
Write-Output "connecting to: MgGraph"
Connect-MgGraph -TenantId $TenantId -ClientSecretCredential $creds -NoWelcome
# Get the object ID of the target group
$Group = (Get-MgBetaGroup -Filter "DisplayName eq '$GroupName'" ) | Select -ExpandProperty DisplayName
if ($Group) {
    $objid = (Get-MgBetaGroup -Filter "DisplayName eq '$Group'" ) | Select -ExpandProperty id
    Write-Output "Found $GroupName group having ID: $objid"
    # Get the last time the group membership changed. If no changes in the last hour loop for 10 minutes waiting for changes. 
    if ($Updated -ge $M1Time) {
        Write-Output 'No changes in the last hour, checking 10 more times (once every minute)' 
        1..10 | foreach { 
            #$Updated = $LastChange.lastMembershipUpdated
            If ($Updated -ge $M1Time) {
                Write-Output "Still no changes, keep looping."
            else {
            Sleep 60
    else {
        Write-Output 'Recent changes need to be processed!'
    # Get the members of the group
    $Computers = Get-MgBetaGroupMember -GroupId $objid -All | ForEach { Get-MgBetaDevice -DeviceId $_.Id | Select DisplayName, DeviceID, ApproximateLastSignInDateTime }
    Write-Output "Found $($Computers.Count) computers in $Group"
    # Check each group member for the proper category and change if needed.
    if ($Computers) {
        # Set Device Category       
        if ($CategoryName) {
            # Validate category name is valid        
            Write-Output "validating requested category: $CategoryName"
            Write-Output "Getting List of Categories from Intune"
            $Categories = Get-MgBetaDeviceManagementDeviceCategory -All
            $CatNames = $Categories.DisplayName
            Write-Output "Found $($Categories.Count) Categories in Intune"
            $Category = $Categories | Where-Object { $_.displayName -eq $CategoryName }
            if (!($Category)) { 
                Write-Output  "Invalid category name specified. Exiting with making any changes!"
                $Timestamp = get-date -f yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss
                Write-Output "Script ended at $Timestamp"
                Exit 1
            $CategoryID = $
            Write-Output "$CategoryName category has ID: $CategoryID"
        else {
            Write-Error "No category name was specified. Exiting with making any changes!"
            $Timestamp = get-date -f yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss
            Write-Output "Script ended at $Timestamp"
            Exit 0       
        # Set the device categories
        foreach ($Computer in $Computers) {
            # Determine the last time the device signed in and skip it if more than 7 days to avoid working on stale devices.
            $LastSignin = $Computer.ApproximateLastSignInDateTime
            $ComputerID = $Computer.DeviceID
            $DisplayName = $Computer.DisplayName 
            if ($LastSignin -gt $D7Time) {
                Write-Output "$Computer.DisplayName last signed in $LastSignin. Likely a valid device, let's work on it."
                $Device = Get-DeviceInfo
                Write-Output "Found $($Device.Count) devices in Intune"
                if (!($device)) {
                    Write-Error "$DisplayName not found in Intune"
                else {
                    $DeviceID = $
                    if ($Device.deviceCategoryDisplayName -ne $CategoryName) {
                        Write-Progress -Status "Updating Device Category" -Activity "$DisplayName ($deviceId) --> $($device.deviceCategoryDisplayName)"
                        Write-Output "Device Name = $DisplayName"
                        Write-Output "Device ID = $DeviceID"
                        Write-Output "Current category is $($Device.deviceCategoryDisplayName)"
                        Write-Output "Setting category to $CategoryName"
                        Set-DeviceCategory -DeviceID $DeviceID -category $CategoryID
                    else {
                        Write-Output "$DisplayName is already in $CategoryName"
            Else {
                Write-Warning "$DisplayName last signed in $LastSignin. Likely an invalid device, let's skip it."
    Else {
        Write-Output "No computers found in $Group. Exiting without any changes."
        $Timestamp = get-date -f yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss
        Write-Output "Script ended at $Timestamp"
        Exit 0
else {
    Write-Error "You have specified an invalid group."
$Timestamp = get-date -f yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss
 Write-Output "Script ended at $Timestamp"