
We strongly advise customers to always backup  their custom reports before performing any in-place upgrades. Failure to do so could result in the loss of your custom reports!


  1. The user executing these steps should be an administrator of the BI for Defender workspace(s). 
  2. A second install of BI for Defender to be used as a backup workspace. You do not need to configure the dataset parameters, this workspace is simply a place-holder to store a copy of your custom reports.
function Assert-ModuleExists([string]$ModuleName) {
    $module = Get-Module $ModuleName -ListAvailable -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    if (!$module) {
        Write-Host "Installing module $ModuleName ..."
        Install-Module -Name $ModuleName -Force -Scope Allusers
        Write-Host "Module installed"
    elseif ($module.Version -ne '1.0.0' -and $module.Version -le '1.0.410') {
        Write-Host "Updating module $ModuleName ..."
        Update-Module -Name $ModuleName -Force -ErrorAction Stop
        Write-Host "Module updated"
## Install-Module -Name MicrosoftPowerBIMgmt
Assert-ModuleExists -ModuleName "MicrosoftPowerBIMgmt"
## Connect to the PowerBi Service

## Options "bi_for_sccm" or "bi_for_intune"
#$powerbiapp = "bi_for_intune"
$AppArray = @()
$tempapp = New-Object -TypeName PSObject
$tempapp | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "App" -Value "bi_for_intune" -Force
$AppArray += $tempapp
$tempapp = New-Object -TypeName PSObject
$tempapp | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "App" -Value "bi_for_sccm" -Force
$AppArray += $tempapp
$AppSelect = $AppArray | Out-GridView -Title 'Choose an app to backup' -PassThru
$powerbiapp = $AppSelect.App

Write-Host "App to backup '" $powerbiapp "'"

#Find the Workspaces
$AllWorkspaces = Get-PowerBIWorkspace ### FILTER TO SHOW ONLY BI FOR INTUNE Workspaces REMOVE TO SHOW OTHERS ##### | Where-Object {$_.Name -like "*Intune*"}
## Select the source workspace
$SourceWorkspace = $AllWorkspaces | Out-GridView -Title 'Choose a source workspace' -PassThru
Write-Host "Source Workspace '" $SourceWorkspace.Name "'"

##Find the source dataset
$SourceDataset = Get-PowerBIDataset -WorkspaceId $SourceWorkspace.Id | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $powerbiapp}

if($SourceDataset -ne $null){
    ## Select the destination workspace
    $DestinationWorkspace = $AllWorkspaces | Where-Object {$_.Id -ne $SourceWorkspace.Id} | Out-GridView -Title 'Choose a destination workspace' -PassThru
    Write-Host "Destination Workspace '" $DestinationWorkspace.Name "'"

    ##Find the destination dataset
    $DestinationDataset = Get-PowerBIDataset -WorkspaceId $DestinationWorkspace.Id | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $powerbiapp}

    if($DestinationDataset -ne $null){

        ##Destination Workspace
        ## Find the custom reports in the source workspace
        $SourceReports = Get-PowerBIReport -WorkspaceId $SourceWorkspace.Id

        ## Copy the source reports to the destination workspace using the destination dataset
        $SourceReportsUniqueID = @()
        $SourceReportIDMapping = @{} 
        Foreach ($Report in $SourceReports){
            if(-Not($Report.Id -in $SourceReportsUniqueID)){
                $SourceReportsUniqueID += @($Report.Id)
                if($Report.Name -eq $powerbiapp){
                    $dt = Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd"
                    $NewReportName = $Report.Name + " " + $dt
                    $NewReportName = $Report.Name
                Write-host "About to copy Report '" $Report.Name "' to '" $NewReportName "' from Workspace '" $SourceWorkspace.Name "' to Workspace '" $DestinationWorkspace.Name "'"
                if($Report.DatasetId -eq $SourceDataset.Id){
                    $NewReport = Copy-PowerBIReport -Name $NewReportName -Id $Report.Id -WorkspaceId $SourceWorkspace.Id -TargetWorkspaceId $DestinationWorkspace.Id -TargetDatasetId $DestinationDataset.Id
                    $NewReport = Copy-PowerBIReport -Name $NewReportName -Id $Report.Id -WorkspaceId $SourceWorkspace.Id -TargetWorkspaceId $DestinationWorkspace.Id -TargetDatasetId $Report.DatasetId
                if ($NewReport){
                    $SourceReportIDMapping[$Report.Id] = [guid]$NewReport.Id

        ## Find the custom dashboards in the source workspace
        $SourceDashboards = Get-PowerBIDashboard -WorkspaceId $SourceWorkspace.Id

        ## Copy the source dashboards to the destination workspace using the destination reports
        $SourceDashboardsUniqueID = @()

        Foreach ($Dashboard in $SourceDashboards) {
            if(-Not($Dashboard.Id -in $SourceDashboardsUniqueID)){
                $SourceDashboardsUniqueID += @($Dashboard.Id)
                Write-Host "About to copy Dashboard '" $Dashboard.Name "' from Workspace '" $SourceWorkspace.Name "' to Workspace '" $DestinationWorkspace.Name "'"
                $NewDashboard = New-PowerBIDashboard -Name $Dashboard.Name -WorkspaceId $DestinationWorkspace.Id
                $SourceDashboardTiles = Get-PowerBITile -WorkspaceId $SourceWorkspace.Id -DashboardId $Dashboard.Id

                $TilesUniqueID = @()
                Foreach ($Tile in $SourceDashboardTiles) {
                    if(-Not($Tile.Id -in $TilesUniqueID)){
                        $TilesUniqueID += @($Tile.Id)
                        Write-Host "About to copy Tile '" $Tile.Id "' to Dashboard '" $NewDashboard.Name "in Workspace '" $DestinationWorkspace.Name "'"
                            $NewTile = Copy-PowerBITile -WorkspaceId $SourceWorkspace.Id -DashboardId $Dashboard.Id -TileId $Tile.Id -TargetDashboardId $NewDashboard.Id -TargetWorkspaceId $DestinationWorkspace.Id -TargetReportId $SourceReportIDMapping[[guid]$Tile.ReportId] ##-TargetDatasetId $tile_target_dataset_id        
                            $NewTile = Copy-PowerBITile -WorkspaceId $SourceWorkspace.Id -DashboardId $Dashboard.Id -TileId $Tile.Id -TargetDashboardId $NewDashboard.Id -TargetWorkspaceId $DestinationWorkspace.Id -TargetReportId $Tile.ReportId ##-TargetDatasetId $tile_target_dataset_id                

        ##Other Workspaces
            ## Find the custom reports in the other workspaces
            $OtherWorkspaces = $AllWorkspaces | Where-Object {$_.Id -ne $SourceWorkspace.Id} | Where-Object {$_.Id -ne $DestinationWorkspace.Id}

            $OtherWorkspacesUniqueID = @()

            ## Copy the custom reports to the same workspace using the destination dataset
            Foreach ($OtherWorkspace in $OtherWorkspaces){
                if(-Not($OtherWorkspace.Id -in $OtherWorkspacesUniqueID)){
                    $OtherWorkspacesUniqueID += @($OtherWorkspace.Id)

                    $OtherReports = Get-PowerBIReport -WorkspaceId $OtherWorkspace.Id | Where-Object {$_.DatasetId -eq $SourceDataset.Id}

                    $OtherReportsUniqueID = @()
                    $OtherReportIDMapping = @{} 
                    Foreach ($OtherReport in $OtherReports){
                        if(-Not($OtherReport.Id -in $OtherReportsUniqueID)){
                            $OtherReportsUniqueID += @($OtherReport.Id)
                            $dt = Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd"
                            $BackupReportName = $OtherReport.Name + " " + $dt
                            Write-host "About to copy Report '" $OtherReport.Name "' to '" $BackupReportName "' in Workspace '" $OtherWorkspace.Name "'"
                            $NewOtherReport = Copy-PowerBIReport -Name $BackupReportName -Id $OtherReport.Id -WorkspaceId $OtherWorkspace.Id -TargetWorkspaceId $OtherWorkspace.Id -TargetDatasetId $DestinationDataset.Id
                            $OtherReportIDMapping[$OtherReport.Id] = [guid]$NewOtherReport.Id

                    ## Find the custom dashboards in the source workspace
                    $OtherDashboards = Get-PowerBIDashboard -WorkspaceId $OtherWorkspace.Id

                    ## Copy the custom dashboards to the same workspace using the copy reports
                    $OtherDashboardsUniqueID = @()

                    Foreach ($OtherDashboard in $OtherDashboards) {
                        if(-Not($OtherDashboard.Id -in $OtherDashboardsUniqueID)){
                            $OtherDashboardsUniqueID += @($OtherDashboard.Id)
                            $OtherDashboardTiles = Get-PowerBITile -WorkspaceId $OtherWorkspace.Id -DashboardId $OtherDashboard.Id
                            $CopyOtherDashboard = 0
                            $OtherTilesUniqueID = @()
                            Foreach ($OtherTile in $OtherDashboardTiles) {
                                if(-Not($OtherTile.Id -in $OtherTilesUniqueID)){
                                    $OtherTilesUniqueID += @($OtherTile.Id)
                                    if($OtherTile.DatasetId -eq $SourceDataset.Id){
                                        #This tile contains the Source Dataset
                                        $CopyOtherDashboard = 1
                                $dt = Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd"
                                $BackupDashboard = $OtherDashboard.Name + " " + $dt
                                Write-Host "About to copy Dashboard '" $OtherDashboard.Name "' to '" $BackupDashboard "' in Workspace '" $OtherWorkspace.Name "'"
                                $NewOtherDashboard = New-PowerBIDashboard -Name $BackupDashboard -WorkspaceId $OtherWorkspace.Id

                                $OtherTilesUniqueID = @()
                                Foreach ($OtherTile in $OtherDashboardTiles) {
                                    if(-Not($OtherTile.Id -in $OtherTilesUniqueID)){
                                        $OtherTilesUniqueID += @($OtherTile.Id)
                                        Write-Host "About to copy Tile '" $OtherTile.Id "' to Dashboard '" $NewOtherDashboard.Name "' in Workspace '" $OtherWorkspace.Name "'"
                                            $NewOtherTile = Copy-PowerBITile -WorkspaceId $OtherWorkspace.Id -DashboardId $OtherDashboard.Id -TileId $OtherTile.Id -TargetDashboardId $NewOtherDashboard.Id -TargetReportId $OtherReportIDMapping[[guid]$OtherTile.ReportId]
                                            $NewOtherTile = Copy-PowerBITile -WorkspaceId $OtherWorkspace.Id -DashboardId $OtherDashboard.Id -TileId $OtherTile.Id -TargetDashboardId $NewOtherDashboard.Id -TargetReportId $OtherTile.ReportId


        Write-Host "App '" $powerbiapp "' not found in destination workspace '" $DestinationDataset.Name "'"

    Write-Host "App '" $powerbiapp "' not found in source workspace '" $SourceWorkspace.Name "'"