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Custom Inventory Dataset Parameters
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The BI for Intune dataset contains some parameters that must be configured in order to synchronize data from Intune to Power BI. Other parameters, such as this one, add additional functionality to BI for Intune. In this article we configure the parameters required for our custom inventory functionality.
Step 2
Step 3
- Expand Parameters.
- Locate the AzureAD LogAnalytics Enable field and change the value from FALSE to TRUE.
- Locate the AzureAD LogAnalytics WorkspaceID field and enter the Log Analytics Workspace ID that you recorded during the Configuring Log Analytics step.
- Select Apply.
Step 4
Step 5
- Confirm the URL is https://api.loganalytics.io/. If not, you have selected an incorrect Edit credentials. Go back to the previous step and ensure that you select the correct line.
- Select Anonymous as the Authentication method.
- Select Organizational as the Privacy level setting for this data source.
- Check the box to Skip test connection.
- Select Sign in.