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Configure The Dataset Parameters
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The BI for SCCM dataset contains some parameters that must be configured in order to synchronize data from ConfigMgr to Power BI. Other parameters add additional functionality to BI for SCCM. In this article we will only configure the parameters required for basic functionality. Optional parameters are discussed in other articles within our documentation.
Step 2
Step 3
- Expand Parameters.
- Enter the API Key that you received from us after completing the Request a Trail Key form.
- The Computer Network IP Address Enable fields accepts TRUE/FALSE values. This field controls whether or not IP Addresses from ConfigMgr inventory are sync'd to Power BI or not.
- Enter the ConfigMgr database name in the DatabaseName field.
- Enter the Server name of the SQL Server hosting the ConfigMgr database in the ServerName field.
- The Software Is Used Days(s) value is the number of days that installed software must have been used within for the reports to show Is Used = True.
- The Software Update Not Required Status Enable field accepts
- TRUE/FALSE values. This field controls whether or not software updates required by no computers are displayed in Power BI. It's strongly recommended to leave this value as FALSE.
- Select Apply.
Step 4
Step 5
- On the Data Source Settings page enter the following.
- For the Data Source Name enter a meaningful name to identify this data source.
- For the Data Source Type select SQL Server.
- Enter the SCCM SQL Server name in the Server field.
- Enter the SCCM SQL database name in the Database field.
- Select Windows as the Authentication Method.
- Enter database reader user account in the Username field. If this is an Active Directory user account you must prefix the username with the domain name and a "\". Do Not Use the "@" sign plus domain name.
- Enter the password for the database reader account in the Password field.
- Select Add.
Step 7
Step 8
Step 9
Step 10
Step 11
- Expand Scheduled refresh.
- Select Add another time.
- Enter up to eight times of the of the day for the data to refresh. Depending upon the environment, most customers select 1-3 times per day.
- Grab something cold to drink, you made it through configuring the dataset. The refresh can take anywhere from 5 minutes to 2 hours depending upon your environment. On average, it's about 30 minutes.
Step 13
- Select Datasets + dataflows.
- Hover over the bi_for_sccm dataset to reveal the Refresh now button.
- Select the Refresh now button.
- Grab something cold to drink. You've made it through configuring the dataset. The refresh will take anywhere between 5 minutes and 2 hours depending on the environment, however the average is about 30 minutes.