The following process documents the steps require to migrate from the legacy fatstacks BI for SCCM app to the new PowerStacks BI for SCCM app. This process is required to continue getting updates for BI for SCCM. The migration process is quite simple, it should take less than 1 hour to complete the following steps.
Install and Configure BI for SCCM
- Begin by installing PowerStacks BI for SCCM from AppSource using this link. This process is documented in more detail on our Install BI for SCCM docs page.
- In your browser open two tabs and sign-in to Power BI in both tabs.
- In one tab open the fatstacks BI for SCCM workspace and in the other open the newly installed PowerStacks BI for SCCM workspace. In each workspace open the dataset settings. Expand Parameters. This process is described in more detail in Steps 1 and 2 of our Configure The Dataset Parameters docs page.
- Copy all of the Parameters from the old to the new workspace. Select Apply to save the changes to the new workspace dataset Parameters. This process is described in more detail in Step 3 of our Configure The Dataset Parameters docs page.
- The dataset Parameters in the new PowerStacks BI for SCCM workspace should now look similar to this:
- Refresh the browser page.
- In the dataset settings expand Gateway connection.
- Select the down arrow under Actions.
- In the drop-down boxes for the Data sources included in the dataset select the appropriate Maps to options, ensuring that they match the same settings in the legacy fatstacks workspace. (Note: some customers must select an option in each drop-down while others only need to select the SQL Server option).
- Apply the settings.
- In the dataset settings expand Scheduled refresh and align the settings with the settings from the legacy fatstacks app.
- Go to the PowerStacks BI for SCCM workspace and select Refresh now.
Migrate Custom Reports
- Migrate your custom reports from the legacy fatstacks workspace to the PowerStacks BI for SCCM workspace using our standard backup process. This process is described in more detail in the Backup Custom Reports section of our doc’s pages.
Grant Access to the Workspace
- Perform the following steps in the legacy fatstacks environment first to confirm the permissions assigned to the workspace. Take note of the assigned permissions and duplicate those in the new PowerStacks workspace.
- From the workspace select Access.
- Enter the user or group name.
- Select the appropriate level of access.
- Select Add.
Share the Reports
The following section describes the process to share reports using shared links. Some customers use shared links, others use direct access, still others share the entire workspace, and some use a combination of some or all of these methods. Please review each section to ensure that you don’t leave off any access granted to others in your organization. These steps should be performed for each set of custom reports.
- Perform the following steps in the legacy fatstacks environment first to confirm if shared links are being used. These steps must be performed on each set of reports in both workspaces.
- To configure access by shared links, perform the following steps.
- On each set of reports select the Share button.
- Select the Ellipses and then select Manage permissions.
- Select Advanced at the bottom of the Manage permissions page.
- Confirm whether or not users in the fastacks legacy environment have been granted access via links by viewing this same screen on the legacy fatstacks app. If applicable select Add link. Otherwise skip ahead to the section on granting direct access.
- Select People in your organization with the link can view and share.
- Select Specificpeople. Select the appropriate permissions for the person(s) or groups(s). Select Apply.
- Enter the appropriate email addresses and select Send.
- Repeat the process for any other users or groups who require a different set of permissions.
The following section describes the process to share reports using direct access. Some customers use direct access, others use shared links, still others share the entire workspace, and some use a combination of some or all of these methods. Please review each section to ensure that you don’t leave off any access granted to others in your organization. These steps should be performed for each set of custom reports.
- On each set of reports select the Share button.
- Select the Ellipses and then select Manage permissions.
- Select Advanced at the bottom of the Manage permissions page.
- Select the Direct access tab. Confirm whether or not users in the fastacks legacy environment have been granted direct access by viewing this same screen on the legacy fatstacks app. If not skip the following steps in this section. Note, users with the Admin (Owner) and Member (Owner) permissions are added at the workspace level rather than the report level. For those users see the section on granting access to the workspace earlier in this blog.
- Select Add user. For more details on permissions see this Microsoft article.
- Enter the user or group name.
- Deselect the Allow recipients to share this report if applicable.
- Deselect the option to Allow recipients to build content with the data associated with this report if applicable.
- Deselect the option to Send an email notification if applicable.
- Select Grant access.
- Repeat for each user or group that requires direct access.
Correct Errors within Reports
There are a few known issues with reports that have been copied from fatstacks BI for SCCM to PowerStacks BI for SCCM. This section will describe how to resolve those errors. Open each set of custom reports one by one. Review each page for errors. If errors are found complete the following steps. These steps should be performed for each set of custom reports. If you encounter any issues not described here, please contact us.
- The Summary page might have two visualizations that are not working properly. If you see these errors open the Report in Edit mode.
- Select the first of the two visualizations that have an error.
- On the Visualizations pane remove the “Security Update Success %” field by clicking the “X”.
- While still having the visualization selected on the canvas, search within the Fields for “SU total success rate“
- Select the checkbox to add the SU total success rate field to the visualization.
- Select the next visualization that has an error.
- On the Filters pane remove the Drive Type filter by clicking the “X”.
- On the Visualizations pane remove the blank field by clicking the “X”.
- While still having the visualization selected on the canvas, search within the Fields for “Is Encrypted“.
- Select the checkbox to add the Is Encrypted field to the visualization.
- Select Reading view to exit Edit mode.
- Save your changes when prompted.
- Continue to review other pages for errors.
- The Computer Details page, or pages that were created by copying the Computer Details page might have errors. If you see these errors open the Report in Edit mode.
- Select the visualization that has errors.
- Use the “X” to remove each of the fields that have a yellow “!” sign on both the Filters and Visualizations panes.
- Select Reading view to exit Edit mode.
- Save your changes when prompted.
The migration process is now complete. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us.