For over 20 years I was a mildly successful Configuration Manager Architect without ever learning to write scripts. When I needed something that required a script, I could usually find something online that was close to what I needed, and I could modify well enough to work.

And then came Intune! The amount of work I do with ConfigMgr has dwindled over the past 5 or 6 years to the point where, for the past year and a half, I have done almost 100% Intune work. An experienced ConfigMgr person who makes the move to managing devices with Intune will quickly realize that, without PowerShell, accomplishing tasks that are considered basic functionality in ConfigMgr are virtually impossible using Intune. I have begrudgingly been trying to learn more about PowerShell for about a year and a half now. Fortunately, I have an amazing friend, Kaido Järvemets, who is great with PowerShell and has a lot of patience. He’s been super helpful to me. Thanks Kaido!

People have various learning styles, mine is to learn by doing. I prefer a real-world problem, that I care enough about to spend my time to solve, as a way to learn.

Several times I’ve needed a script to set properties such as the primary user, device category, or ownership for Intune devices. Then I had a couple of other people who I know needing the same thing. There are some scripts out there to do this, but I didn’t like any of them. None of the ones I was able to find could do everything that I needed in one single script. Most of them are using outdated cmdlets. Some have dozens of lines of code to simply authenticate to Graph, while others require and Azure AD app registration to authenticate. Don’t get me wrong, I am not knocking anyone else’s work, but I do not like using scripts if I don’t fully understand how they work and many of the ones out there seemed overly complicated to me. So, I decided that I had done enough basic scripting that I felt like could tackle this. Please note that I do not claim to be a PowerShell expert, I hope you figured that out from the first two paraphs here. I wrote them to make that point, I despise “blog fluff”. I am certain that some people will grab this script and then comment on how I could have done XYZ better. Please do! I am still learning.

I should also give some credit to Timmy Andersson who helped me solve several problems that I just could not figure out in this script. Without him I probably would not have completed it.

I had fun creating this, I hope you find it useful.

For those who, like myself, despise blog fluff, this is the part you want to read…

This script allows you to set the device category, ownership, and primary user of a single, or many Intune devices. You can set any combination of those items and you can get the list of devices and the user that you’d like to set as the primary user in as many ways as I could possibly imagine. For example, you can select devices based upon a device name prefix, from a .csv file, or input it on the command line when executing the script. You can select the primary user based on the last logged on user, from a .csv file, or on the command line. There’s error checking on everything, for example if the computer or user is not found the script will simply skip that device if you are setting the primary user. If you enter an invalid category name, you will be alerted to that. If you chose to select device based on a naming prefix you will get a big scary warning asking if you REALLY want to do that. All of this in less than 450 lines of code. I feel like I did a decent job of documenting how to use the script within the script but if you need help, don’t understand what I was thinking, or have an idea how I could have done this better feel free to ping me on Twitter @MEM_MVP 

Get the Script

	Batch update Intune device category and/or primary user
    Batch update ownership to corporate.
	Batch update Intune device an input file or using a naming prefix ,
	or direct names via the -ComputerName, -CategoryName, and/or -UserName parameter(s).
.PARAMETER ComputerName
	Name of one or more computers
	Path and name of .CSV input file
	CSV file must have a column named "ComputerName"
    Must have column named "UserName" if CSV is used also for primary user.
.PARAMETER SetCategory
    True/False value to determine whether the device category is being set.
.PARAMETER CategoryName
	A valid category name. If the name does not exist in the
	Intune subscription, it will return an error.
    Required is SetCategory is $True.
.PARAMETER SetPrimaryUser
    True/False value to determine whether the primary user is being set.
.PARAMETER LastLogonUser
    True/False value whether to use the last logon user as primary user.
    Name of one or more users. Required if PrimaryUser is $True.
    Cannot be used with LastLogonUser
    Can be provided in .CSV
.PARAMETER ComputerPrefix
    Specify the prefix of computer names to set category
    Cannot be used with InputFile nor ComputerName
 .\Set-UserAndCategory.ps1 -ComputerName COMPUTER-12345 -SetPrimaryUser $True -UserName -SetOwner $True -Owner Company -SetCategory $False -SetLastLoggonUser $False
 .\Set-UserAndCategory.ps1 -ComputerName COMPUTER-12345 -SetPrimaryUser $True -UserName -SetOwner $True -Owner Company
 .\Set-UserAndCategory.ps1 -ComputerName COMPUTER-12345 -LastLogonUser $True -SetCategory $True -CategoryName Accounting

    Requires modules AzureAD,Microsoft.Graph.Intune,Microsoft.Graph

    7.0 - 3-21-2023 - John Marcum - csv import and last logged on user tested and confirmed to work.
    9.0 - 3-22-2024 - John Marcum - Fixed bugs, added tons of logging, added ability to use Intune Device ID instead of computer name.
	10.1 - 3-25-2024  fix bugs reported by James Vincent @LinkedIn

param (
    [parameter(Mandatory = $False)][string]$ComputerName = "",
    [parameter(Mandatory = $False)][string]$IntuneID = "",
    [parameter(Mandatory = $False)][string]$ComputerPrefix = "",
    [parameter(Mandatory = $False)][string]$InputFile = "",
    [parameter(Mandatory = $True)][bool]$SetCategory = $False,
    [parameter(Mandatory = $False)][string]$CategoryName = "",
    [parameter(Mandatory = $True)][bool]$SetPrimaryUser = $False,
    [parameter(Mandatory = $True)][bool]$LastLogonUser = $False,    
    [parameter(Mandatory = $False)][string]$UserName = "",
    [parameter(Mandatory = $True)][bool]$SetOwner = $False,
    [parameter(Mandatory = $False)][ValidateSet("Company", "Personal")][string]$Owner = "Company"

######## Begin Functions ########


# Check for required modules, install if not present
function Assert-ModuleExists([string]$ModuleName) {
    $module = Get-Module $ModuleName -ListAvailable -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    if (!$module) {
        Write-Host "Installing module $ModuleName ..."
        Install-Module -Name $ModuleName -Force -Scope Allusers
        Write-Host "Module installed"


# Get device info from Intune
function Get-DeviceInfo {
    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory)][string] $Computername
    Get-IntuneManagedDevice -Filter "Startswith(DeviceName, '$Computername') and operatingSystem eq 'Windows'" -Top 1000 `
    | Get-MSGraphAllPages `
    | Select-Object DeviceName, UserPrincipalName, id, userId, DeviceCategoryDisplayName, ManagedDeviceOwnerType, chassisType, usersLoggedOn

# Get device info from Intune
function Get-DeviceInfoByID {
    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory)][string] $managedDeviceId
    Get-IntuneManagedDevice -managedDeviceId $IntuneID `
    | Select-Object DeviceName, UserPrincipalName, id, userId, DeviceCategoryDisplayName, ManagedDeviceOwnerType, chassisType, usersLoggedOn


# Set the device categories
function Set-DeviceCategory {
    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory)][string] $DeviceID,
        [parameter(Mandatory)][string] $CategoryID
    Write-Host "Updating device category for $Computer"
    $requestBody = @{
        "" = "$baseUrl/deviceManagement/deviceCategories/$CategoryID" # $CategoryName
    $url = "$baseUrl/deviceManagement/managedDevices/$DeviceID/deviceCategory/`$ref"
    Write-Host "request-url: $url"
    $null = Invoke-MSGraphRequest -HttpMethod PUT -Url $url -Content $requestBody
    Write-Host "Device category for $Computer updated"


# Set the device ownership
function Set-Owner {
    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory)][string] $DeviceID,
        [parameter(Mandatory)][string] $Owner       
    Write-Host "Updating owner for $Computer"

    $JSON = @"

    $uri = "'$deviceId')"
    Invoke-MSGraphRequest -Url $uri -HttpMethod PATCH -Content $Json


# Get Intune Primary User
function Get-IntuneDevicePrimaryUser {

    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory)][string] $DeviceID   

    $graphApiVersion = "beta"
    $Resource = "deviceManagement/managedDevices"
    $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$($Resource)" + "/" + $deviceId + "/users"

    try {
        $primaryUser = Invoke-MSGraphRequest -Url $uri -HTTPMethod Get

        return $primaryUser.value."id"
    catch {
        $ex = $_.Exception
        $errorResponse = $ex.Response.GetResponseStream()
        $reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($errorResponse)
        $reader.BaseStream.Position = 0
        $responseBody = $reader.ReadToEND();
        Write-Host "Response content:`n$responseBody" -f Red
        Write-Error "Request to $Uri failed with HTTP Status $($ex.Response.StatusCode) $($ex.Response.StatusDescription)"
        throw "Get-IntuneDevicePrimaryUser error"


# Set the Intune primary user
function Set-IntuneDevicePrimaryUser {

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    $graphApiVersion = "beta"
    $Resource = "deviceManagement/managedDevices('$DeviceId')/users/`$ref"     

    $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$($Resource)"
    $userUri = "$graphApiVersion/users/" + $userId

    $JSON = @"



    Invoke-MSGraphRequest -HttpMethod POST -Url $uri -Content $JSON  


# Set the primary user of the device to the last logged on user if it they are not already the same user
function Set-LastLogon {    

    #Check if there is a Primary user set on the device already
    $IntuneDevicePrimaryUser = Get-IntuneDevicePrimaryUser -deviceId $DeviceID
    if (!($IntuneDevicePrimaryUser)) {
        Write-Host "No Intune Primary User Id set for Intune Managed Device" $Device.deviceName
    else {
        #  A primary user is there already. Find out who it is. 
        $PrimaryAADUser = Get-AzureADUser -ObjectId $IntuneDevicePrimaryUser
        Write-Host $Device.deviceName "Device has a primary user. Current primary user:" $PrimaryAADUser.displayName
    # Using the objectID of the last logged on user, get the user info from Microsoft Graph for logging purposes
    $LastLoggedOnAdUser = Get-AzureADUser -ObjectId $LastLoggedOnUser
    Write-Host "Matched the last logged on user id:" $LastLoggedOnUser "to the AAD user info:" $LastLoggedOnAdUser.Objectid 
    Write-Host "Last logged on user name is:"  $LastLoggedOnAdUser.UserPrincipalName

    #Check if the current primary user of the device is the same as the last logged in user
    if ($IntuneDevicePrimaryUser -ne $LastLoggedOnUser) {
        #If the user does not match, then set the last logged in user as the new Primary User
        Write-Host $Device.deviceName "Device has a primary user but not the last logged on user. Current primary user:" $PrimaryAADUser.displayName "Last logged on user:"  $LastLoggedOnAdUser.displayName
        Set-IntuneDevicePrimaryUser -DeviceId $DeviceID -userId $LastLoggedOnUser

        # Get the primary user to see if that worked.
        $Result = Get-IntuneDevicePrimaryUser -deviceId $DeviceID
        if ($Result -eq $LastLoggedOnUser) {
            Write-Host "User" $LastLoggedOnAdUser.displayName "successfully set as primary user for device" $Device.deviceName
        else {
            #If the result does not match the expecation something did not work right
            Write-Host "Failed to set as Primary User for device" $Device.deviceName
    else {
        write-host "Last logged on uer:" $LastLoggedOnAdUser.displayName "and the primary user:" $PrimaryAADUser.displayName "already match."  "Nothing to do on:" $Device.deviceName



######## *** END *** Functions ########

######## Script Entry Point ########

$Today = Get-Date -Format "MM-dd-yyyy-HH-mm"

# Create the temp folder if it doesn't exist
if (-not (Test-Path 'C:\Temp')) {
    New-Item -Path 'C:\Temp' -ItemType Directory

# Start logging
$LogPath = "C:\Temp\Set_Primary_User" + $Today + ".Log"
Start-Transcript $LogPath
Write-Host "Script started at $Today"

# Install required modules
if ($SetPrimaryUser) {
    Assert-ModuleExists -ModuleName "AzureAD"
Assert-ModuleExists -ModuleName "Microsoft.Graph.Intune"
Assert-ModuleExists -ModuleName "MSGraph"

# Import modules
if ($SetPrimaryUser) {
    Import-Module "AzureAD"
Import-Module "Microsoft.Graph.Intune"
Import-Module "MSGraph"

# Connect to Azure to get user ID's
if ($SetPrimaryUser) {
    Write-Host "connecting to: azure ad"
    if (!($azconn)) { 
        $azconn = Connect-AzureAD
        Write-Host "connected to $azconn.TenantDomain"

# Connect to Graph API
Write-Host "connecting to: msgraph"
[string]$baseUrl = ""
if (!($GraphCon)) {
    $GraphCon = Connect-MSGraph -NoWelcome
Update-MSGraphEnvironment -SchemaVersion beta

# Get the computers that we want to work on
if (($ComputerPrefix) -and ($InputFile)) {
    $Msg = @'
Prefix And InputFile Cannot
    Used Together!
    [System.Windows.MessageBox]::Show($Msg, 'Error!', 'Ok', 'Error')
    # Exit 1

if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ComputerName)) {
    if ($InputFile) {
        Write-Host "computername was not provided, checking intputfile parameter"
        if (-not(Test-Path $InputFile)) {
            throw "file not found: $InputFile"
        else {
            if ($InputFile.ENDsWith(".csv")) {
                [array]$computers = Import-Csv -Path $InputFile | Select-Object ComputerName, UserName, IntuneID
                Write-Host "Found $($Computers.Count) devices in file"             

            else {
                throw "Only .csv files are supported"
    if ($ComputerPrefix) {
        Write-Host "Getting computers with the prefix from Intune"
        # Confirm that you really want to run against all computers!
        $Msg = @'
Seleting all devices with prefix!
        $Result = [System.Windows.MessageBox]::Show($Msg, 'CAUTION!', 'YesNo', 'Warning')
        Write-Host "Your choice is $Result"
        if ($Result -eq 'No') {
            throw 'Exiting to prevent a disater!'
            Exit 1
        $Computers = Get-MgDeviceManagementManagedDevice -Filter "Startswith(DeviceName, '$ComputerPrefix') and operatingSystem eq 'Windows'" -Top 1000 | Get-MSGraphAllPages | Select-Object DeviceName, UserPrincipalName, id, userId, DeviceCategoryDisplayName, ManagedDeviceOwnerType
        Write-Host "Found $($Computers.Count) devices in Intune"
else {
    Write-Host "computer name was provided via command line"
    $Computers = $ComputerName -split ','

# Set Device Category
if ($SetCategory) {
    # Get the categories from Intune so we have the ID
    Write-Host "Getting List of Categories from Intune"
    $Categories = Get-DeviceManagement_DeviceCategories
    $CatNames = $Categories.DisplayName
    Write-host "Found $($Categories.Count) Categories in Intune"  
    if ($CategoryName) {
        # Validate category name is valid        
        Write-Host "validating requested category: $CategoryName"
        $Category = $Categories | Where-Object { $_.displayName -eq $CategoryName }
        if (!($Category)) { 
            Write-Warning  "Category name $CategoryName not valid" 
        $CategoryID = $
        Write-Host "$CategoryName is $CategoryID"
    else {
        Write-Warning  "No category name specified"

    # Set the device categories
    foreach ($Computer in $Computers) {
        Write-host "** BEGIN **- settting category for next device" 
        if ($InputFile) {
            $ComputerName = $Computer.ComputerName
            $IntuneID = $Computer.IntuneID
        If ($ComputerName) {
            Write-host "** BEGIN ** - settting category for $ComputerName" 
            $Device = Get-DeviceInfo -ComputerName $ComputerName

            Write-Host "Found $ComputerName in Intune"
            if (!($device)) {
                Write-Warning "$ComputerName not found in Intune."
            else {
                $DeviceID = $
                if ($Device.deviceCategoryDisplayName -ne $CategoryName) {
                    Write-Progress -Status "Updating Device Category" -Activity "$computer ($deviceId) --> $($device.deviceCategoryDisplayName)"
                    Write-Host "Device Name = $Computer"
                    Write-Host "Device ID = $DeviceID"
                    Write-Host "Current category is $($Device.deviceCategoryDisplayName)"
                    Write-Host "Setting category to $CategoryName"
                    Set-DeviceCategory -DeviceID $DeviceID -category $CategoryID
                    Write-host "*** END ***- settting category for $ComputerName" 
                else {
                    write-host "$Computer is already in $CategoryName"
                    Write-host "*** END ***- settting category for $ComputerName" 
        If (!($ComputerName)) {     
            If ($IntuneID) {
                Write-host "** BEGIN ** - settting category for $IntuneID" 
                $Device = Get-DeviceInfoByID -managedDeviceId $IntuneID
                Write-Host "Found $IntuneID in Intune"
                if (!($device)) {
                    Write-Warning "$IntuneID not found in Intune."
                else {
                    $DeviceID = $
                    $DeviceName = $Device.deviceName
                    if ($Device.deviceCategoryDisplayName -ne $CategoryName) {
                        Write-Progress -Status "Updating Device Category" -Activity "$DeviceName ($deviceId)"
                        Write-Host "Device Name = $DeviceName"
                        Write-Host "Device ID = $DeviceID"
                        Write-Host "Current category is $($Device.deviceCategoryDisplayName)"
                        Write-Host "Setting category to $CategoryName"
                        Set-DeviceCategory -DeviceID $DeviceID -category $CategoryID
                        Write-host "*** END *** - settting category for $DeviceID" 
                    else {
                        write-host "$DeviceName is already in $CategoryName"
                        Write-host "*** END *** - settting category for $DeviceID" 


# Set Device Ownership
if ($SetOwner) {
    foreach ($Computer in $Computers) {
        Write-host "** BEGIN **- settting owner for next device" 
        if ($InputFile) {
            $ComputerName = $Computer.ComputerName
            $IntuneID = $Computer.IntuneID

        If ($ComputerName) {
            Write-host "** BEGIN ** - settting owner for $ComputerName" 
            $Device = Get-DeviceInfo -ComputerName $ComputerName
            if ($Device) {
                Write-Host "Found $ComputerName in Intune"
                if ($Device.ManagedDeviceOwnerType -ne $Owner) {
                    $DeviceID = $
                    Write-Progress -Status "Updating Device Owner" -Activity "$computer ($deviceId) --> $($device.ManagedDeviceOwnerType)"
                    Write-Host "Device Name = $Computer"
                    Write-Host "Device ID = $DeviceID"
                    Write-Host "Current ownership is $($Device.ManagedDeviceOwnerType)"
                    Write-Host "Setting ownership to $Owner"
                    Set-Owner -DeviceID $DeviceID -owner $Owner
                    Write-host "*** END *** - settting owner for $ComputerName" 
                else {
                    write-host $Device.DeviceName "is already set to $Owner"
                    Write-host "*** END *** - settting owner for$ComputerName" 

            else {
                Write-Warning "$ComputerName not found in Intune."
                Write-host "*** END *** - settting owner for $ComputerName" 

        If (!($ComputerName)) {     
            If ($IntuneID) {
                Write-host "*** END *** - settting owner for $DeviceID" 
                $Device = Get-DeviceInfoByID -managedDeviceId $IntuneID
                Write-Host "Found $IntuneID in Intune"
                if ($device) {
                    $DeviceID = $
                    $DeviceName = $Device.deviceName
                    Write-Host "Current ownership is $($Device.ManagedDeviceOwnerType)"
                    if ($Device.ManagedDeviceOwnerType -ne $Owner) {
                        Write-Progress -Status "Updating Device Owner" -Activity "$computer ($deviceId) --> $($device.ManagedDeviceOwnerType)"
                        Write-Host "Device Name = $Computer"
                        Write-Host "Device ID = $DeviceID"                        
                        Write-Host "Setting ownership to $Owner"
                        Set-Owner -DeviceID $DeviceID -owner $Owner
                        Write-host "*** END *** - settting owner for $DeviceID" 
                    else {
                        write-host $Device.DeviceName "is already set to $Owner"
                        Write-host "*** END *** - settting owner for $DeviceID" 

                else {
                    Write-Warning "$IntuneID not found in Intune."
                    Write-host "*** END *** - settting owner for $DeviceID" 

# Set Primary User
if ($SetPrimaryUser) {    
    Write-Host "Setting primary user on devices."    
    if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($UserName)) {
        # This will not run if there is a username in the csv or on the command line!
        if ($LastLogonUser) {
            # Last logged on user variable is true. No matter how we got a list of computers to work on we are using last logged on user to set primary user!
            Write-Host "Setting primary user on devices based on the last logged on user."

            foreach ($computer in $computers) {
                Write-host "** BEGIN ** settting user for next device:" $computer.ComputerName $Computer.IntuneID 
                if ($InputFile) {
                    $ComputerName = $Computer.ComputerName
                    $IntuneID = $Computer.IntuneID
                If ($ComputerName) {
                    Write-host "** BEGIN ** - settting user for next $ComputerName"
                    # If we get here the computer name was specified somewhere. Might be in the csv, or might be somewhere else. 
                    $Device = Get-DeviceInfo -ComputerName $ComputerName
                    if ($Device) {
                        # Found the computer in Intune!
                        Write-Host "Found $ComputerName in Intune"
                        $Name = $Device.deviceName
                        Write-Host "Found $Name in Intune"
                        # Make sure we have a last logged on user
                        $LastLoggedOnUser = ($Device.usersLoggedOn[-1]).userId
                        if ($LastLoggedOnUser) {
                            #We have a last logged on user!
                            Write-Host "Found last logged on user: $LastLoggedOnUser"
                            # Go run the function to set the primary user if it needs to be set.
                            Write-host "Checking to see if primary user match last logged on user. If not we will set:" $Name "to" $LastLoggedOnUser
                            $DeviceID = $                                              
                            Write-host "*** END *** - settting user for next $ComputerName"
                        else {
                            write-host "We can't find the last logged on user. Cannot work on this device!"
                            Write-host "*** END *** - settting user for next $ComputerName"
                    else {
                        Write-Warning "Not found in Intune."
                        Write-host "*** END *** - settting user for next $ComputerName"
                If (!($ComputerName)) {  
                    # If we get here the computer name was not specified. Probably using the Intune device ID from the csv.    
                    If ($IntuneID) {
                        Write-host "** BEGIN ** - settting user for next device" $IntuneID
                        $Device = Get-DeviceInfoByID -managedDeviceId $IntuneID
                        Write-Host "Found $IntuneID in Intune"
                        if ($device) {
                            # Found the computer in Intune!
                            $DeviceID = $
                            $DeviceName = $Device.deviceName 
                            $Name = $Device.deviceName                         
                            Write-Host "Found $DeviceName Intune"                          
                            # Make sure we have a last logged on user
                            $LastLoggedOnUser = ($Device.usersLoggedOn[-1]).userId              
                            if ($LastLoggedOnUser) {
                                #We have a last logged on user!
                                Write-Host "Found last logged on user: $LastLoggedOnUser"
                                # Go run the function to set the primary user if it needs to be set.
                                Write-host "Checking to see if primary user match last logged on user. If not we will set:" $DeviceName "to" $LastLoggedOnUser                                            
                                Write-host "*** END *** - settting user for device!"  $IntuneID                    
                            else {
                                write-host "We can't find the last logged on user. Cannot work on this device!"
                                Write-host "*** END *** - settting user for device"  $IntuneID 

                        else {
                            Write-Warning "$IntuneID Not found in Intune" 
                            Write-host "*** END *** - settting user for device"  $IntuneID 

    if (!($LastLogonUser)) {
        # The last logged on user varilable is not set to true. Let's check the input file for device/user pairs and set the user that way. 
        if ($Inputfile) {
            foreach ($Row in $computers) {
                $Computer = $Row.ComputerName
                $User = $Row.UserName
                $Device = Get-DeviceInfo -Computername $Computer
                Write-Host "Found $Device in Intune"
                $Userid = Get-AzureADUser -Filter "userPrincipalName eq '$User'" | Select -ExpandProperty ObjectId
                Write-Host "Found $User $Userid"
                if (!($device -and $Userid)) {
                    Write-Warning "$Computer and/or $UserName not found"
                else {
                    $DeviceID = $
                    $CurrentUser = Get-IntuneDevicePrimaryUser -DeviceId $deviceID
                    if ($CurrentUser -ne $Userid) {
                        Set-IntuneDevicePrimaryUser -DeviceId $deviceID -userId $userID 
                    else {
                        Write-Host "No change in user is needed"

        else {
            foreach ($computer in $computers) {
                write-host "UserName was specified on the command line"
                $Device = Get-DeviceInfo -Computername $Computer
                Write-Host "Found $($Device.Count) devices in Intune"
                $Userid = Get-AzureADUser -Filter "userPrincipalName eq '$Username'" | Select -ExpandProperty ObjectId
                Write-Host "Found $User $Userid"
                if (!($device -and $Userid)) {
                    Write-Warning "$Computer and/or $UserName not found"
                else {
                    $DeviceID = $
                    $CurrentUser = Get-IntuneDevicePrimaryUser -DeviceId $deviceID
                    if ($CurrentUser -ne $Userid) {
                        Set-IntuneDevicePrimaryUser -DeviceId $deviceID -userId $userID
                    else {
                        Write-Host "No change in user is needed"

$Now = Get-Date -Format "MM-dd-yyyy-HH-mm"
Write-Host "Work completed at $Now"
Write-host "All Done. Enjoy The rest of your day!"