For quite some time we have had warranty reporting for Dell, Lenovo, and GETAC devices. We used to also support Microsoft devices but, unfortunately, both Microsoft and HP have taken their warranty API’s offline. We have chosen not to bring this functionality into Intune as we expect that Microsoft will add it natively to Intune soon. However, some customers need the data now, so we are providing this solution as a work-around until we see what the native Intune warranty information looks like once it is released. 

We aren’t going to pretend this is a complete, robust solution but it will give you the warranty end date in a report. Hopefully this is helpful while we wait for Microsoft to bring us a better solution. 

Note: The script has code in it to collect warranty data for Microsoft devices however Microsoft has taken their API offline. 

  1. Dell requires an API token in order to access their warranty API. You must apply for the token at 
  2. Lenovo requires a client token in order to access their warranty API. Getting the token from Lenovo can be a bit more difficult than getting a token from Dell. You will need to have your Lenovo account rep request a key on your behalf.
				############ Enable Warranty Vendors ###############
$DellWarranty = $true
$LenovoWarranty = $false
$MicrosoftWarranty = $false
$GetacWarranty = $false

##### Warranty Vendor API Keys
$DellClientID = "XXXXXXXX"
$DellClientSecret = "XXXXXXXXX"
$LenovoClientID = ""

######### functions ##########
function Get-DellWarranty([Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]$SourceDevice, $client) {
    $AuthURI = ""
    if ($Global:TokenAge -lt (get-date).AddMinutes(-55)) { $global:Token = $null }
    If ($null -eq $global:Token) {
        $OAuth = "$DellClientID`:$DellClientSecret"
        $Bytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($OAuth)
        $EncodedOAuth = [Convert]::ToBase64String($Bytes)
        $headersAuth = @{ "authorization" = "Basic $EncodedOAuth" }
        $Authbody = 'grant_type=client_credentials'
        $AuthResult = Invoke-RESTMethod -Method Post -Uri $AuthURI -Body $AuthBody -Headers $HeadersAuth
        $global:token = $AuthResult.access_token
        $Global:TokenAge = (get-date)
    $headersReq = @{ "Authorization" = "Bearer $global:Token" }
    $ReqBody = @{ servicetags = $SourceDevice }
    $WarReq = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "" -Headers $headersReq -Body $ReqBody -Method Get -ContentType "application/json"
    if ($warreq.entitlements.serviceleveldescription) {
        $WarObj = [PSCustomObject]@{
            'Provider'              = 'Dell'
            'Product'               = $warreq.productLineDescription
            'SerialNumber'          = $SourceDevice
            'Warranty'              = $warreq.entitlements.serviceleveldescription -join "`n"
            'StartDate'             = (($warreq.entitlements.startdate | sort-object -Descending | select-object -last 1) -split 'T')[0]
            'EndDate'               = (($warreq.entitlements.enddate | sort-object | select-object -last 1) -split 'T')[0]
            'Client'                = $Client
    else {
        $WarObj = [PSCustomObject]@{
            'Provider'              = 'Dell'
            'Product'               = $null
            'SerialNumber'          = $SourceDevice
            'Warranty'              = 'Could not get warranty information'
            'StartDate'             = $null
            'EndDate'               = $null
            'Client'                = $Client
    return $WarObj
function Get-LenovoWarranty([Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]$SourceDevice, $client) {
    $headersReq = @{ "ClientID" = $LenovoClientID }
    $WarReq = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$SourceDevice" -Headers $headersReq -Method Get -ContentType "application/json"
        $Warlist = $WarReq.Warranty | Where-Object {($_.ID -eq "36Y") -or ($_.ID -eq "3EZ") -or ($_.ID -eq "12B") -or ($_.ID -eq "1EZ")}
        $WarObj = [PSCustomObject]@{
            'Provider'              = 'Lenovo'
            'Product'               = $WarReq.Product
            'SerialNumber'          = $SourceDevice
            'Warranty'              = $Warlist.Name -join "`n"
            'StartDate'             = (($Warlist.Start | sort-object -Descending | select-object -last 1) -split 'T')[0]
            'EndDate'               = (($Warlist.End | sort-object | select-object -last 1) -split 'T')[0]
            'Client'                = $Client

        $WarObj = [PSCustomObject]@{
            'Provider'              = 'Lenovo'
            'Product'               = $null
            'SerialNumber'          = $SourceDevice
            'Warranty'              = 'Could not get warranty information'
            'StartDate'             = $null
            'EndDate'               = $null
            'Client'                = $Client
    return $WarObj  
function Get-MSWarranty([Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]$SourceDevice, $client) {
    $body = ConvertTo-Json @{
        sku          = "Surface_"
        SerialNumber = $SourceDevice
        ForceRefresh = $false
    $PublicKey = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri '' -Method Get
    $AesCSP = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.AesCryptoServiceProvider 
    $AESIVString = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($AesCSP.IV)
    $AESKeyString = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($AesCSP.Key)
    $AesKeyPair = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes("$AESIVString,$AESKeyString"))
    $bodybytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($body)
    $bodyenc = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($AesCSP.CreateEncryptor().TransformFinalBlock($bodybytes, 0, $bodybytes.Length))
    $RSA = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.RSACryptoServiceProvider
    $EncKey = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($rsa.Encrypt([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($AesKeyPair), $false))
    $FullBody = @{
        Data = $bodyenc
        Key  = $EncKey
    } | ConvertTo-Json
    $WarReq = Invoke-RestMethod -uri "" -Method POST -body $FullBody -ContentType "application/json"
    if ($WarReq.warranties) {
        $WarObj = [PSCustomObject]@{
            'Provider'              = 'Microsoft'
            'Product'               = $WarReq.device.title
            'SerialNumber'          = $SourceDevice
            'Warranty'              = $ -join "`n"
            'StartDate'             = (($WarReq.warranties.effectivestartdate | sort-object -Descending | select-object -last 1) -split 'T')[0]
            'EndDate'               = (($WarReq.warranties.effectiveenddate | sort-object | select-object -last 1) -split 'T')[0]
            'Client'                = $Client
    else {
        $WarObj = [PSCustomObject]@{
            'Provider'              = 'Microsoft'
            'Product'               = $null
            'SerialNumber'          = $SourceDevice
            'Warranty'              = 'Could not get warranty information'
            'StartDate'             = $null
            'EndDate'               = $null
            'Client'                = $Client
    return $WarObj
function Get-GetacWarranty([Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]$SourceDevice, $client) {
    $WarReq = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri$SerialNumber -Method Get -ContentType "application/json"
        $WarObj = [PSCustomObject]@{
            'Provider'              = 'Getac'
            'Product'               = $WarReq.model
            'SerialNumber'          = $SourceDevice
            'Warranty'              = $WarReq.warrantyType
            'StartDate'             = $null
            'EndDate'               = (($warreq.endDeviceWarranty | sort-object | select-object -last 1) -split 'T')[0]
            'Client'                = $Client
        $WarObj = [PSCustomObject]@{
            'Provider'              = 'Getac'
            'Product'               = $null
            'SerialNumber'          = $SourceDevice
            'Warranty'              = 'Could not get warranty information'
            'StartDate'             = $null
            'EndDate'               = $null
            'Client'                = $Client
    return $WarObj

########### Main ############# 
$Bios = Get-WmiObject Win32_Bios
$Make = $Bios.Manufacturer
$SerialNumber = $Bios.SerialNumber

If ($DellWarranty -and $Make -eq "Dell Inc."){
    write-host "Dell computer found" -ForegroundColor Green
    $WarObj = Get-DellWarranty -SourceDevice $SerialNumber -Client $env:COMPUTERNAME
ElseIf($LenovoWarranty -and $Make -eq "LENOVO") {
    write-host "LENOVO computer found" -ForegroundColor Green         
    $WarObj = Get-LenovoWarranty -SourceDevice $SerialNumber -Client $env:COMPUTERNAME         
ElseIf ($MicrosoftWarranty -and $Make -eq "Microsoft Corporation") {
    write-host "Microsoft computer found" -ForegroundColor Green
    $WarObj = Get-MSWarranty -SourceDevice $SerialNumber -Client $env:COMPUTERNAME             
ElseIf ($GetacWarranty -and $Make -eq "INSYDE Corp.") {
    write-host "Getac computer found" -ForegroundColor Green
    $WarObj = Get-GetacWarranty -SourceDevice $SerialNumber -Client $env:COMPUTERNAME
    write-host "$Make warranty not supported" -ForegroundColor Red
    $WarObj = $null

$EndDate = $WarObj.EndDate

if ($WarObj){
    # Set Vars for WMI Info
    Write-Host $EndDate
    Exit 0
else {
Write-Host 'Not Found'
Exit 1